Black and white photograph of Rice Institute Owls track and field athlete W. M. "Bill" Cummins, class of 1948, accompanied by text headlining his achievement and entry into the Rice Athletic Hall of Fame.Caption reads: W. M. “BILL” CUMMINS, Class of ’48, was another Rice star whose career was sidetracked by World War II. Coming to Rice from El Paso, Cummins won the SWC championship in the low hurdles and long (broad) jump in 1942, the high and low hurdles in 1943, and went on to win both the Drake Relays and NCAA championships in low hurdles that year before his call to duty. In 1942 while competition still was normal in track and field, Bill entered an average of seven events per meet, scoring as high as 22 ¾ points during a triangular me...